The day after the tutorial, Tamara made a facebook group.
She organised for us to have a meeting, which was very productive. We spoke about our ideas to continue the development of the script, so that Tamara could relay to the script writer. We also discussed about what kind of roles we each wanted to do, and how they would work together.
As I have mentioned before, I was contemplating doing some more sound work this year, but I still primarily want to do cinematography. I had thought about my involvement in the film and whether i could juggle doing sound and some cinematography (lighting.)

I knew that Jacob had an interest in cinematography too, but I wasn't sure how i felt about sharing the role with him. I did want to do as much as i could visually, but not completely give up one role when I have an interest in both. I vaguely mentioned my concerns about sharing the role, but it seemed like it would work out afterall. Jacob seems to be more interested in the technical camera element, so framing, movement etc. I am interested in this, but i know that Jacob has a better knowledge of the technical side of cameras, something that i do plan to work on, but don't feel as confident in.

I however, am really interested in the emotion of the shot. I like to think how I can portray emotions & general feelings through colour, lighting, framing etc. I decided that I would be more suited to lighting as I feel like it's more a skill that I could develop instead of us sharing the role. I could also potentially help about with the camera work if needed.

I also said I was interested in sound design. I like to think about how sounds can be used to portray atmospheres, and especially foley etc. I knew that there was a shared feeling that the film should use sound as a emotional trigger to the viewer. This film is about grieving, and I feels to me that using sound as opposed to lots of dialogue makes it more subtle and emotional, and less likely to be cheesy.
The only issue with being a sound person and lighting is being on set, so we thought of ways that maybe someone else could record for me. The boys knew of a graduate specialised in sound, so they are bringing him in to help me with that side of things.

During the meeting, we discussed ways in which we could start to develop research, and Tamara then posted a list on facebook. 
Mine involved: 
- Film examples of lighting in different emotions/situations. 
- Technical aspects of how to light indoors.
 - Technical aspects of how to light outdoors.
 - Brainstorm ideas to depict her job through foley. That she’s a midwife.

 Tamara briefed us on a pre-vis for the end of the month, and also that we would be getting a script draft for 31st Oct. 

We started using the Goggle Calender for updates & planning.