I approached Al to be involved in the project mostly because I had an idea involving asking the public to give their opinions, and even be in the film. It would be a simple view on country life in britain, a quaint view with all the typical views such as pubs, tea etc. I wanted someone that could easily approach these people and be in a more directoral role. I myself have gained more confidence with the general public, but i still feel like i need more help when it comes to solo projects with the public. 
Al came to my house & we discussed possible ideas. We ended up changing the idea up into a more photographic view on Britain. It would explore a child's idea of Britain on a day out. Firstly it involved the countryside, but next I thought it might be better to be more direct in the location so I picked Brighton as I know that area the most & I have been there as a child so know more about what would be interesting there. Al would involve his sister in the project, interviewing her by presenting her with the photos I had taken, and then this would be the voiceover to a one take shot going from one photo to the next & eventually panning out to reveal the child. 

We also started to involve Edrei, because with our photo idea, we had an idea to use a studio, as it would give us more access to a bigger scale, so would be easier to move around + equipment etc.
He is interested in set building/designing so we thought this would fit him well.

We really pushed forward with the project, I brainstormed places I could visit/places that would be good for a storyline, Al developed the production pack & Edrei designed the sets. 

We had a meeting with Rosie to discuss the set build & equipment that we would need to do the project. She seemed interested in us perusing and outisde project, and it all flowed pretty well. 
I did get a little stressed from time to time but I think this was because it felt a little rushed & it was during all the other developments so i felt it was cutting it so short!

On 22nd October, I got up ridiculously early, and headed to Brighton.
I spent around 12 hours walking around trying to take as many photos as possible. 


I felt like it was a good experience, but I did find it a little stressful due to the fact that it all happened so quickly. I joked saying that I didn't realise I was going to Brighton until I had been in Brighton for 2 hours but it felt like that. It was fun, and I think i got most of the shots I needed, but i knew that it would have been improved if the little girl was there.