I went to my tutorial on 13th Oct, and it was incredibly helpful. I went in to discuss my installation ideas mostly, but to also ask about how to approach my photography work.
Before my tutorial, i wrote a list of things I wanted to mention -

"Installation - ideas & development.

Photography - How I progress.

Short film - the struggle
Plus other potential ideas."

Kathleen liked my idea of following depersonalisation, because it's not only associated with anxiety, and it has been explored in art quite a bit. She gave me more ideas on how to approach the idea, which helped me and generally just talking about my ideas in tutorials helps me a lot because I gain confidence in the idea.

She also helped in terms of photography, since my photos aren't going to be as planned out as my film projects. She suggested I look at it through types & concepts of photography I like, an evaluation of what i've done before, and to look up on ethics of photography as I plan to do street/candid photography.

I wrote lots of notes down in my book, and I will copy them on to here (even if they don't make full sense!)

Installation -
My work explores subjective experiences of disassociated states. 
Psychological states and how they can be represented using moving image and sound.
How cinema has approached dis-embodiment. 
Psychology of film. 
Dis-associative states.
Neurological/chemical sensory perception.
Neuro-physiology to brain.
Adrenaline & Dopamine's impact on senses.
William James.
Film and neuroscience memory.
How film follows the mind so we can follow the narrative.
Make it so it doesn't fear the audience. Make it relatable.
Actors? Maybe associated with anxiety?
James Whitney.
What is it saying? Is it good or bad?
Neuroscience and sound.
Resonance for experimental sound.
Disembodied voices. Medium. Have a subject?
Psychoanalysis & film.
Gender perspective - gender and mental illness.
Politics of my work.
Journey into memory.
Memory studies.
Experimental radio using voices.
Writing and voice relationship. Being different from each other.
Age & expectation.
Choreographing the screen. 
Scribble/gestures in writing to show anxious state.
Page to Page - Rip?
Messed up.
Moving Mozaic.
Series of exercises. 

Photography -
Investigate into it. 
Tate - conferences on photos. How they approach their work.
Proposal - technically challenging.
Concept. Study in to the subject - photojournalist/documentary.
Statement - personal as to what I am.
Journel - statement my work.
Self evaluation.
Ethics of Candid. 
Ethics & Street Photography - Permission?