I had briefly spoken to Tamara about See You Soon during the summer when we met for discussions on Transit. I was interested, but i never heard anything more until the first presentations. I think it was because we focused our attention on Transit, so it was hard to bring in more narrative ideas.
After the presentation, i spoke to her about my interest in the project. I then didn't hear much about it, we briefly spoke about it i think, but after a couple of weeks, i messaged her to see what was happening.

She told me that she was getting a script writer as she didn't feel she was capable of writing the script herself, which i completely understand. She sent me a script & treatment so I could fully understand the concept of the film.
 My only frustration was that at that moment, it seemed like there was a lot of uncertainty on the projects, this also happened with Jacob's project which I was also interested in.

However, Tamara managed to get a script writer literally just before the Tutorial we had on 13th October. I was uncertain at that time about my involvement on the film, so was a bit tentative on joining them for their tutorial. I decided I would though.I bumped into Tamara and then Al during lunch and we started to discuss the ideas together, it felt a lot more relaxed & i was feeling more confident in myself that we were going to start getting stuff done!

Stupidly, i will admit that i think because the group I am working with worked together last year, I found it hard to accept that they might want to work with me. I know that I work well with them, as i've worked with most of them in the past, but there's still that doubt I have in my mind. I'm also not very good at being vocal when i do want to work with people, or have my own ideas, so building up to this point was qutie stressful for me. 

Anyway, me, Al & Tamara went to the tutorial and were met later on by Jacob. We had a really good discussion on the concept, and Kathleen helped us shape the characters a lot more.

The concept had changed from the Mother dies to the Daughter dies, literally the morning of, so we were basically brainstorming with Kathleen to see how it could work. 

I really felt confident after the tutorial, and i was happy that we had an idea that seemed feasable, was something I was genuinely interested in and felt i was suited for, and that we had a big crew of people i felt confident would make something really good!