Desaturated, very natural light. Work with the idea of the windows/blinds, soft light. use the idea of the practicals in the bedroom etc. Not sure whether there should be empathsis on colours just yet for grading, i think a subtle hint would be nice but nothing overpowering or suggestive for the audience.
It should highlight but not dominate, this film feels very realism-y, and i want to stick to that. Make the lighting feel cold, but not overpowering or stylistic, just soft & a way of really bringing the emotion to a real place and less of a cinematic place.
I should:
Focus on screen shots/films and think how they might have shot that film/scene.
Think of more ways to advance the soft look i am going for.
Discuss with other members to see whether this fits the vision/the new script.
Build on references and research into my craft.
If there are films i am inspired by, look for cinematographers & see how they might have approached/spoken about the film. look at their other work.
Fino flo