This idea popped into my head just before bed, and it was a reflection on the comment about possibly doing work associated with being indecisive, and having thoughts of doubt and just feeling lost. 
I thought that this concept would be quite fun to work with because it's a very reflective piece of work, it's what I do a lot and it would be interesting to focus on it within art.

I've always been interested in multi-screen installation and I thought that this concept would work quite well with it.

I'm proposing a multi-screen installation showing the insides of someone's mind when they're being indecisive & unable to focus on one clear idea. The multi-screen will work as a way of showing the different elements of your mind in confrontation with each-other. I always feel like my brain is having an argument when I think of projects, and anything in life really. I do think it's associative wih my anxiety, but it's also a universal feeling that everyone experiences. It's the feeling of doubt, of being un-confident. I think it's something that would be understood well by the audience.
The description I have on my phone from when it did pop into my head in bed reads -

"Multi-screen installation based on interviews on people that have doubt/can never make up their minds. Screens will show the indecisive mind, different thoughts. But all work as one when focused."

I haven't decided whether I will actually interview and use the interviews in my work, or whether I will scope the creative and non-creative world interviewing people so that I can form a script or even poetic piece of writing to have as the narrative element of the piece.
It will work more like a structured piece, but the element of multi-screen will give the concept and emphasis of the theme another level. 

I have also thought about how the work will show more of my post-production skills. I am interested to know how I can piece together a multi-screen piece, and I know that in my finished work, the screens will be separate but work together to tell the story. 
In online versions, I want them to be in one line, so I will essentially have two versions, but one for distribution.

What I need to think about:

  • The concept a little more, and really define what the feeling of doubt can look like visually.
  • Think of the logistics of how I am going to interview people and how I will use their voices visually. 
  • The structure my installation will take in accordance with my year group & what they wish to put up at the graduation show. 
  • How I will technically achieve my project, and time manage how I will fit this in with my other commitments.