We had a morning of discussing the Graduation Show & our online presence with Rosie.
These both helped me to not only see what everyone else has been doing, but give me more confidence that I am doing a good job with my online presence.

 I do a lot of outside experimentation & i find that it helps me be consistently creative throughout the year as well as documenting my life.
In terms of the Graduation Show, it really helped me as I am one of the only people using the space on a bigger scale. I want to have installation and photography, so it's a big interest in me as to what other people want to do with the space too.

We have had discussions on the possibility of using the KN studio as a make-shift cinema, and I think this is a good idea as I really didn't like W612 last year. Because it was packed, I had to watch films through heads, and also the room is blocked off from the rest of the university so I don't think we are reaching our audiences very well. 

I did possibly want to use the KN for my installation, but I can change and adapt my project for the benefit of the year if need be. We had discussions on me either using part of G03, or splitting the KN into a bigger and smaller part so that I can have my own space. I will need to think of the logistics of this, but I think this could work quite well. 

During this talk, I expressed an interest in becoming a curator for the Graduation Show. I think this would be really beneficial to me as I have a strong interest in the visual impact of the course, and also how we can bring in audiences and basically make our work look the best it can be. This also links with my work and how gallery based my own work is, so if I have a strong creative input into the outcome of the Graduation Show, I have a better sense of what it is I am working with on a personal level, and how it all fits in with everyone else's projects and outcomes. 

I am excited to draw maps and co-ordinate the show, I think that it is something I am really interested to fully get immersed in because the Graduation Show is such a big opportunity, and I think we need to utilize it the best we can!