I've found myself questioning whether I want to do an individual project. I definitely would if i'd had more time, and was more focused on an end goal before now. I want to be able to put 100% into each project, and really know that I have a well rounded theory and practice behind me for each project. At the moment, I am so behind on the individual, it seems like it might never go ahead.
I wish I could have more outcomes, but at the same time, why would I want quantity if i can't have quality?
I also am neglecting my dissertation, so I want to be able to focus fully on that between now and Feb. I am then focusing my attention straight onto See You Soon so i'm not sure where I can fit in a documentary.
I am still going to do photography as I know I can fit it in between projects, but it is sad if i can't do it.
I might see if i can collaborate with anyone else to put a little pressure off me, and help me to be more focused, but for now I am going to present my ideas I have had at the presentation, and ask for advice.
I just want to know i've done my best really.