"Make something i am proud of in terms of beauty, spectacle. Don't be pressured by concept. I need to find a concept while photographing. Photos don't work when planned/pressured to be as planned. Re-discover old places, find new places. Discover the world through the camera."
- my first thoughts from my notebook.

In terms of photography, throughout university i have found myself having trouble with trying to bring concepts into photography. I always have plans or feel pressured to plan & then when i execute them, they don't really work out how i wanted.
In the third year, i would like to use photography a bit differently from how i had used it in the past. It is still a big part of my life and i would like to be able to showcase these skills to a bigger audience at the graduation show as well as developing my skills. As i said above, i do think that finding different ideas & trying to produce outcomes throughout the year will help, but i have still been trying to think of any concepts that i could explore. If i do these and then they fail, i know i will have to keep going and keep trying to push myself and my photographs.

Idea 1: Beeching
I feel like this idea is something i have already seen or heard, but it popped into my mind while i was researching. I was thinking of doing a project about where i come from, but putting my location into flickr & google always comes up with trains. It reminded me of my dad & Beeching. My dad used to be a train driver, and throughout my young and adult life, i have known of Beeching and the effect he had on the railways. We have visited lots of old railways and places that have been turned into new walks etc. I find it interesting that even 50 years later, you can see the effect it has had on both the landscape and the towns that were left without a rail system. I would like to visit a select number of locations and find out more from local people about how it effected them, as well as photographing what has been left behind.

beeching's handiwork?
Great Central Railway-Moreton Pinkney

Idea 2: Autumn
Even though i know i'd have to do this pretty quickly, i'd love to document the different colours of autumn. I'd like to be able to pick many different leaves & show the subtle differences in colour between each one. I am facinated by colour and nature so it would be a nice mix of both. I'd like to single out each leaf and potentially put it on a lightbox to show the makings of the leaf.
