I want to push myself to the limit this year. I really want to be able to know that i have put my heart and soul into every piece of work, researched intensely so i have a complete understanding of my work, the audience, the astestics. Everything that would make a film a film.
I want to:

  • Perfect my time management skills and become a lot more focused & organised
  • be living and breathing my projects, try to put as much as i can in to each of them 
  • if i have specific roles, study extensively and try to effectively work in a team
  • Enhance my existing skills during production
  • Just try to make myself a complete professional, which involves believing that I can be who I want to be, and also putting in the hours to get to that level. 
  • I want to leave university proud of a piece of work knowing I did everything i possibly could to make it.