I'm having a bit of a frustration going on.
I have always been interested in cinematography since the beginning & it is still something i am passionate about. I love visualising films & i feel in control when i am on set, especially with lighting. I feel like i have a good eye for it. I also feel like i have a good ear for sound. I know sound is a lot more neglected in film & i always want to create films that have paid attention to the sound design, so i want to make films that both have visuals that i have crafted, but also sound design that i have thought about and edited. I am not entirely sure how i can balance these two roles though. I could design the sound but have somebody else record it, and me mix it while i am on set with the cinematography, but i'm not sure whether this will work.
It's hard when i know i should be focusing on a role, and i am, but i always have this niggling thought of 'oh but i love sound, and i know i'm good at it, but i am a cinematographer' which maybe isn't a good idea? Hmm.