History/Greats of Street Photography

Eugène Atget

Bystander - a history of street photography -

josef Kouelka - czechoslovakia - 1966

Walter Davis - sidewalk and shop front, new orleans, 1935

"It's the kind of photography that tells us something crucial about the nature of the medium as a whole, about what is unique to the imagery that it produces. the combination of this instrument, a camera, and this subject matter, the street, that yields a type of picture that is idiosyncratic to photography in a way that formal portraits, pictorial landscapes, and other kinds of genre scenes are not."

Eugene atget - decroteur, 1899

paul strand - blind woman 1916

eugene atget- coin de la rue valette et pantheon, 1925

jaques-henri lartigue -

lewis w hine - blind beggar in italian market district, 1911

lewis w hine - italian immigrant, east side, new york, 1910

Brassai - Lovers, Bal Musette Des Quatre Saisons, Rue de Lappe, 1932

roger mayne - untitled (boy football), 1956-61

bill brandt, evening in kenwood, 1931-35

Henri cartier- bresson  - trafalgar square on the day of corination of george VI,, london, 1937

kurt hutton - unemployed man and dog, 1939

bill brandt, window on osborn street, 1931-35

robert doisneau, square du vert-galant, paris, 1950

dorothea lange, consumer relations, san francisco, 1952

Walker Evens, new york subway portraits, 1938-41

walker evans, south street, new york, 1932

josef koudelka, firework celebrations in andalusia, spain, 1973

william klein, broadway and 103rd street, new tork, 1954-55

harry callahan, chicago, 1953