I have been thinking about ideas throughout the summer, but most of them seem to be style over substance. I keep thinking about how much i'd love to have an era to base my idea around, or have a one take music video etc. These are things that i would love to explore, but i need a big and good enough idea on it's own based on characters & a story before i can think about those stylistic elements.
I watched a tv series 'Inside No 9' pretty early into the holidays, each episode based around a situation within a confined space (usually at a location involving the number 9) & each episode gave me a flutter of inspiration. I loved how each story was not only based around something quite ludicrous, but it was very driven by characters in situations within a tight space. It's how the characters react with each other and the situation that has been handed to them that makes it funny & entertaining.
A few of the episodes have given me different inspirations about what i would like to do.
'Sardines' an episode based on a game of sardines mostly based within a cupboard inspired me to think of situations where people are in a situation they have to be in, with people they'd rather not be around. It felt awkward and that awkwardness fed into the comedy and shaped the entire situation.

Another episode 'A Quiet Night In' inspired me to think about situations in which dialogue is either mostly or even fully absent from a story. It is heavily influenced by the silent era, and i liked how Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter was even a star in the episode. I feel like the absense of dialogue can help a comical situation but i think it can also add poignancy and emotion to a scene or film. It can hold such power in how it is used and i would love to be able to use this to my story telling advantage. I think it would also be interesting from a sound design point of view.

Both of these episodes have brought into my mind two film making ideas that i have always enjoyed. I know that a story is strong when you have the right kind of characters and situations, and both of these can play on that, but in different ways.
Tv shows especially stick in my mind when i think of what i would like to make. I think it helps because they are shorter, sometimes watching films when thinking of short film ideas can make your ideas become too complicated because you're influences are more complex. I am a fan of the simple, something that is relatible and heart warming. Here's a selection of new and old influences of mine from television.

The Royle Family 
This show is one of my favourites. I love how it uses such simple story telling techniques to portray such complex and loveable characters. Caroline Aherne & Craig Cash have been able to capture the families of everyone watching, and through simple situations and conversations, you are able to experience their world without even seeing most of it. You can picture the feathers pub, you can imagine characters like Beverley Macca, because they are so true to real life. The way in which the dialogue is acted is brilliant, the comedy is so subtle. It blends our reality and fiction so well, it's an equivalent of people watching. It just goes to show that characters don't have to live exciting lives, or be involved in unrealistic situations to be funny and capture an audience & that's why i am so influenced by it. 

Him and Her 
This show reminds me of the royle family, but i'm putting on here because i like how realistic it is. It portrays the more disgusting side to humanity, something which i don't think i've seen to this degree anywhere else. I tried to watch this with a friend and they couldn't handle how gross it was. I also think that Laura, Becky's sister is one of the best characters on tv. She's so horrible, but she's someone that i think everyone watching will have met at some point in their lives & i think that's why she is so good. I would love to be able to make a character that was like her.

Gavin & Stacey
This has more of a conventional way of storytelling, but i still think it portrays a good family environment, and does have some very good characters that once again are relatable. I especially like Bryn & how he is always quite strange in how he interacts with people, but you know he has a heart of gold. 

I'm Alan Partridge
I'm putting this in because i think Alan is the perfect representation of someone who thinks they are amazing but really aren't. I have been thinking of having characters that have an arrogance to them, i think these characters are very good at showing people's real feelings in situations. Especially when they cannot leave, or is an awkward situation like i explained earlier.