I had a tutorial with Kathleen today, the first in quite a while. I found it to be quite refreshing because she reflected on my time at university, which is something I don't really think about. I usually focus on the negatives & I know I do this so it was nice to be able to focus not only on the positives, but also that uni is not the be all & end all.
I keep focusing on everything I want to do, instead of just trying to create something that can get me a pass. I always thought this was a bad way of thinking, but as she said, I do have after uni & the rest of my life to focus more on what makes me happy to create. The point of my work now is to kind of bring together everything I have learnt not only on the course, but also about myself.
We spoke about my anxiety & how it has effected me throughout uni. It made me realise that I do always use it as a basis for everything whether through work or the process. All throughout this third year, i've had ideas involving anxiety but I always end up steering away from it because I think it's 'depressing' or just too personal for me to want to show it to people I know. I always speak of anxiety in a slightly different way to how I live it and Kathleen did bring this up. I feel like I have this idea of anxiety being a different 'person'. Like a character, and I think this makes it easier to talk about.
I never fully go into exactly how it effects me on a day to day basis because I just feel like i'd bring other people down, people would worry about me or they'd get the wrong idea. It doesn't define me, but it also is everything I do and say. It's something that has changed the course of my whole life & trying to think of it in just a negative 'oh i'll upset people' way isn't very good.

Going on from this, I want to focus on the anxiety idea I posted before. I have always wanted to do a more autobiographical piece, but possibly with hints of narrative. Kind of like a poetic version of my experience. But on the way home I was thinking about pairing it with interviews. I always liked the idea of interviewing & visualising, and it's like piecing everything together.
I also want to use elements of past projects, as if the film is a reflection on my experience as a creative person at university, but also pair it with other people's experiences to give it a more rounded portrayal of anxiety. I want it to be poetic & pretty, but also melancholic.
I think I need to visualise this more, but firstly I will try to contact potential people to interview. Even if I don't use them in the end, or I can't get people to interview, I think I will still do an autobiographical film. I do know a surprising amount of people who do suffer not only with diagnosed anxiety disorders, but also people who are dealing with other mental illnesses & suffer anxiety as a biproduct, but also people who just suffer from panic attacks etc. I feel like, if I do focus on this, it could turn out to be quite a powerful film & i should remember this. I shouldn't shy away from mental illness just cos it might make people uncomfortable. I dictate how I present the illness, and I should remember this.

Here's some more photos i've taken. I'm still not sure on what exactly i'd like to show at the Graduation Show, & I have a few ideas, but for now I am just going to show everything I get up to.

I went with a friend to Birdworld, and decided to take photos & film (which is in the process of being edited).

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

These photos are actually a little older, but I recently re-discovered them & edited because my cat Jeeves died. I have many photos of him throughout his life, and I feel like he was a big part of me growing as a photographer because he was always my subject.
Untitled Untitled

I did some more macros to go with the ice photos from Jan.
Untitled Untitled

& a fox.

Since I'm in a never ending creative rut, I thought i would just put lots of different things that inspire me together so that I can hopefully gain some themes.

Music/ Music Videos
I feel quite inspired by music on a daily basis. I love just listening to music in my room & staring out of the window getting lost. I also love watching the weather & the clouds while I get lost. I think this is why a lot of inspiring music to me is quite mellow, even though I love all kinds of music.

The Staves -
My Dad showed me this video over Christmas, and there's something about the harmonies & environment with which they are singing that makes me just want to create. It just takes me to a calmer place.

Birdy - Shelter
I've always liked this video for the atmosphere & colours.

Florence & The Machine - What Kind of Man & Lover to Lover
I feel like I like these videos for similar reasons. Florence is my favourite musician, and I think it's because her songs feel quite powerful & very feminine. I love the soft but large sound she has, and I like these two videos because again the colours, but they just feel like short poetic stories that capture the songs well. I also love the dancing in What Kind of Man.

London Grammar - Nightcall

Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

Ralfe Band - Big Head

I've been wanting to make a film around this song for a long time, & I feel almost happy to try & obtain some kind of copyright as I have met the writer so I feel like it's somehow easier? But I find this piece of music really inspiring. If I don't use it, it will be an inspiration for a potential to make my own music, or try to find composers/existing music.



For my insomnia idea, I am really wanting to use natural light and or create the look of natural light. 
The idea is really a love for natural light & sound, so I have taken a couple of photos to try & get some of my visions out of my head basically!

I will keep updating this post as I collect old photos i used to take, because I got into a habit of taking photos of the sunrises when I used to stay up all night. It was kind of like a token of being able to stay up all night, and it's really where this idea has come from. I would also like to create more of a moodboard/soundscape. 

So, i'm going to try & maintain my focus through the process of smaller projects so that I don't get overwhelmed, focus on smaller stages rather than the bigger picture, & have a range of finished products for my portfolio.
In August 2013, I made a video everyday for a month. This helped me to constantly not question what I was making, and just decide to make. I feel like this is a good way for me to be able to produce work, and I have decided to try & focus on a project a week. This helps me to create bigger projects then the August time, but also give me a time frame to work with & also a structure.
If this doesn't work, then I will try to do them in two weeks, & focus more on a few projects but for now, I am going to try the week.

Project Ideas/Starting points for weekly projects:

Anxiety -
I feel like I should really make something related to Anxiety. I've explored this before & I feel like it is important to shine a light on mental illness as well as being able to project personal experiences of my own onto the screen. I don't want it to be too sorrowful, and I actually have multiple ideas associated with mental illness and anxiety, so I have a few options. 
Portrait -
A fragmented narrative exploring the personal experience of having a mental illness.
Experimental piece, possibly for installation.


This idea is to do with the pianos that are sat in St Pancras & Brighton Station. This idea was discussed with my mum as she commutes to Brighton & says about how much the pianos give a nice atmosphere to the station. I had an idea to document this as I like the fact that it can bring out creative abilities in people that you would have otherwise just walked past. I also like that it shows a nicer side to the usual boring commute.
Since having this idea, i've since found out about a bigger project called Play Me, I'm Yours which is a project all over the world placing pianos into different locations. There are already documentaries on pianos in different areas which did put me off for a while, but i still think that if i did this project, I could bring my own interpretation on it.
My only concern about this is the fact that it would require a crew and also a bit more preparation than the smaller projects. I feel like this could actually work as a main project, but I am just not sure about committing to this, since I am having such a lack of confidence lately. I do like the idea though. 

Short Film/Piece
I have all the ideas I had at the beginning of this year, and I still like them but i keep being swayed more by atmospheric pieces rather than the more conventional narrative. I want to project feelings more than statementing my intent with dialogue. I also don't feel so confident writing dialogue, so                                                             i think this is where it stems from.
At the moment, I have themes rather than ideas. I keep picturing a kind of slow motion dancing to a record scenario with a era attached to it. Kind of a care free attitude/young summery dancing like you                            just don't care attitude. I want to do something related to that. 

I also have an idea about insomnia. It's mostly to do with the silence of the night, and the calmness of sunrise that I always used to enjoy when I couldn't sleep. My brain would be so busy. I'd spend the entire night on my laptop, watching things, dancing, feeling like my brain just wouldn't stop, and then the sun would rise & i'd feel this sense of calmness. So I had a picture in my mind to explore this with an actress, using sound & light to tell the story (i know that sounds strange.)

I've been interested lately in dance. I think this is partly to do with not doing a dance piece in the second year, and also it fits quite well with my ideas mostly being about themes or feelings. I don't have too many ideas on the dance front, but it is something I am interested in. Especially if I involved                                                     myself in a more musical project. 
Ballet - There's a potential for a ballet dancer thanks to Edrei. If I come up with a concept to go with                                                           this, i'd be really interested. 

Interviewing the Public
I've always expressed an interest in this, and this kind of applies for the piano idea. I just like exploring the lives and ideas of every person on this earth. I feel like everyone has something powerful to say, and using film to be able to show this would be really exciting for me. This was kind of inspired a little of the project I did in the first year involving interviewing the public about London. It made me realise that you can get such interesting insights into the public, whereas usually you                      would never know anything about them. They all had such interesting stories.

As I always like making films involving nature both for the course & in my spare time, I think it would be good for me to continue this theme. I like making pretty picturesque atmosphere films, and I have the idea of making 'Postcards' of different places depending on where I can go. Either it will be places that I am close with/have memories of, or I will want to visit places I haven't been to before. This includes the Lake District & Isle of Arran (where my Dad has just moved to). Obviously this would involve more planning, but I thought it would be nice as I have wanted to explore more anyway & i think it fits both my interests & one of the paths i'd like to take (doing nature/landscape style filmmaking). 

Me & Edrei discussed this one. Basically, a two screen installation/film involving landscapes & macro. This came from a discussion about my macro photography & how it's interesting that so much is going on when you really look. The idea is to have one screen just focused on the landscape, & the other on a very small macro percentage looking into the living world beneath.