After hearing everyone's pitches on the first day of the assessment, i felt myself wanting to change the way I was presenting my ideas, and do a more of a pitch of myself as a Cinematographer but also mention my desire to try Sound Design.

I was quite relieved that my presentation wasn't till the second day so i could do this. 
I went to the library & quickly changed my presentation, making sure I was clear & was obviously expressing an interest in everyone's projects if they wanted me.

I felt like the presentation went well. I knew i wasn't as organised as i should be, i'm never any good at fully organising my personal ideas together, so that always seems a bit of a let down. I also appear to apologise a lot for what I do, and i know i need to work on that because i shouldn't be down about my work, and if i do a pitch in the professional work, i need to be confident otherwise i won't get anywhere! 
It seemed like people were interested in working with me, and i expressed my interest to other people.