I've been spending a lot of time focusing on dissertation lately, so i haven't been able to fully focus on documenting my creative process on here.
I've gone through a lot.
I am just involved in the lighting of See You Soon, although I have mentioned that I can be of assistance on camera if need be as I did the training. I am looking forward to filming, i think it will be a good learning experience and ultimately fun! I think all the paperwork can sometimes distract from that, so. I am also looking forward to being able to prepare more next week, after my dissertation.

For Alexs project, I helped him film an interview with himself and then with his friend Adam.
I felt that the shoot went quite well, although we did have a discussion about how his film's message might be a little confusing. I think it helped him to realise and reflect on what he's done so he can improve in the long run.
I will include a longer detailed explanation soon, along with photographs.

In terms of my project/s, i've been mainly focusing my attention on a documentary. My issue at the moment is trying to balance an idea strong enough & close to my heart, but also able to be made within the short time frame I know have. I have been watching lots of documentaries, and still strongly like the idea of a portrait of somebody doing something out of the ordinary or helping people. But i need to be able to gain a relationship with the person before shooting, so it's hard to try and think of an idea and then get a good enough organised piece in time for the deadline. I do have options for people I know, but it's working out whether they will be good enough and connect well enough to me and the audience.

I still like the idea of interviewing and visualsing, and I have an idea at the moment of using Valentines Day as a basis for an exploration of consumerism and love. I want to interview people's opinions on valentines, while showing lots of objects you can buy, as well as couples etc. I haven't fully decided how this will completely look, but if i decide on this project, it will be as a smaller focused project in which for me to create something short & fun. I can interview for longer than the valentines timeframe (so next two weeks) but buy the products needed for the shoot & visualise it now.

I also have ideas about doing more promo videos for places, although I haven't approached anyone just yet as I am not 100% sure it's exactly what I want to do. I think it will benefit me in the job world, but i am also interested in emotion and human connection with documentary so it's trying to balance that.

I also still have cravings for a short film piece. I know that it will be hard to try to do in the short time, but I want to do something simplistic but also have a good strong message.
I am influenced in part by this piece, which I think is simple but says so much about society and the need for likes online taking over the real world. I myself have witnessed people doing this, so I find it to be quite powerful, but also satirical.

ASPIRATIONAL from Matthew Frost on Vimeo.

I am driving myself to make firm decisions within the next week, while balancing my dissertation. I want to make things I am proud of, but also are emotionally and morally something I want to connect with the audience and send out a good message. I also want it to be visually pleasing and well put together, so balancing all these things is hard. I will get through it though.